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FEBRUARY 13th, 2023


Leading at Every Level: from Individual Contributors to Officers

John kicked us off on a strong note. After being asked what advice he would give those starting their career he responded: know where you want to go, nobody owns your career but you, next gravitate towards those you admire in your company learn from them and grow from them. Finally, be genuine. Be who you are and don’t be afraid to take chances. Run towards what makes you uncomfortable because that is where the most growth happens.


Later on, John also shared, "Many of us do not realize that when we create a seat at the table for someone else, the action creates a domino effect of impact that could reach dozens if not hundreds of people." This directly aligns with our mission at LatinXNA, to engage, empower and elevate Latino and Diverse individuals in NWA and beyond.


When speaking about how to recharge your work battery both John And Ana touched on the importance of enforcing priorities and making time to rest. They noted how those two things both actually help individuals become better employees. Sometimes, in our Latino Culture we believe we have to work until we drop. However in order to perform well, rest is required!


Finally, we wrapped up our event with live questions from our in-person and online audience. To hear these questions and watch the rest of our event please view the event recording linked above.




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